
Problems using Prometheus as datasource

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hey, I've tried to use dsl for prometheus, but faced several issues when building first graph panel of my dashboard.

Here's the DSL I was trying to use with issues described in comments:

dashboard(title = "...") {
    panels {
        graphPanel(title = "Sandbox simulations") {
            metrics(object : Datasource { // ISSUE 1: datasource name is set by admin, why PromQL is predefined?
                override fun asDatasourceName() = "Prometheus"
            }) {
                prometheusMetric("ERROR - {{ step }} - {{ namespace }}") {
                    //ISSUE 2: can't set refId for prometheus metric
                        metricName = "sandbox_simulation_counter_total",
                        labels = mapOf("status" to "ERROR"),
                        interval = "1m"
                    ).increase().sum(by = listOf("namespace", "step"))

            alert("Sandbox simulations alert") {
                conditions {
                        // ISSUE 3: don't need metric field, but it's nonnull
                        metric = object : DashboardMetric {
                            override fun toJson(): JSONObject {
                                return JSONObject()
                        // ISSUE 4: why can't set params with dsl properly?
                        params = *arrayOf("A", "1m", "now")
                notificationIds.add(1) // ISSUE 5: can't use uid for notification channels, they are more convenient to use than id-s

Here ISSUE 2 is a blocker, because I can't set up alert without refId. All the other issues have workarounds here in the code, but should be fixed in my opinion too.

To clarify issues 3-5 about alerts, I can give you an example of working alert JSON representation that I need to be generated:

"alert": {
        "alertRuleTags": {},
        "conditions": [
            "evaluator": {
              "params": [
              "type": "gt"
            "operator": {
              "type": "and"
            "query": {
              "params": [
            "reducer": {
              "params": [],
              "type": "max"
            "type": "query"
        "executionErrorState": "alerting",
        "for": "0m",
        "frequency": "1m",
        "handler": 1,
        "message": "",
        "name": "Sandbox simulations alert",
        "noDataState": "ok",
        "notifications": [
            "uid": "1MIp76yGk"
layfe commented

Fixed in the latest version.