Is there a way to get the output in JSON format?
amanguptadev opened this issue ยท 10 comments
I'm getting an object with protected arrays.
Can you provide more information? Perhaps a code snippet?
Hey, thank you for the quick reply.
I'm using various filters and using FreqDist to get the word counts and frequency. This is my code.
$text = "this is some random text";
$stopwords = array_map('trim', file(base_path('vendor/yooper/stop-words/data/stop-words_english_1_en.txt')));
$tokens = tokenize($text);
$tokenDoc = new TokensDocument($tokens);
$tokenDoc->applyTransformation(new LowerCaseFilter())
->applyTransformation(new TrimFilter())
->applyTransformation(new DomainFilter())
->applyTransformation(new UrlFilter())
->applyTransformation(new EmailFilter())
->applyTransformation(new PunctuationFilter())
->applyTransformation(new StopWordsFilter($stopwords))
->applyTransformation(new SpacePunctuationFilter())
->applyTransformation(new QuotesFilter())
->applyTransformation(new WhitespaceFilter())
->applyTransformation(new CharFilter())
->applyTransformation(new NumbersFilter());
$freqDist = new FreqDist($tokenDoc->toArray());
The output I'm getting is in this form:
TextAnalysis\Analysis\FreqDist Object ( [keyValues:protected] => Array ( [random] => 1 [text] => 1 ) [totalTokens:protected] => 2 [keysByWeight:protected] => Array ( [random] => 0.5 [text] => 0.5 ) )
As you can see, I'm getting an object with protected arrays and I'm getting a problem to access the array with the key.
That's odd. I just ran a similar snippet and got a hashtable with frequency stats. The output is as follows:
array(4) {
A quick fix for your problem might require use of Reflection. Which version of the library are you using?
I've installed it using composer 2 days back.
It should be 1.5 or greater.
Man thank you for your help, I just found I'm so stupid.
I wasn't assigning the value of $freqDist->getKeyValuesByWeight();
to the var and trying to print the class obj :p
No, you're not stupid. This stuff happens all the time. The snippet I typed out appears as follows:
$text = 'this is some random text';
$tokens = tokenize($text);
$doc = new TokensDocument($tokens);
$doc->applyTransformation(new PunctuationFilter())
->applyTransformation(new StopWordsFilter(['and', 'this']));
$freq = new TextAnalysis\Analysis\FreqDist($doc->toArray());
$res = $freq->getKeyValuesByWeight();
Hope it helps as a reference point.
Thank you it works :)