
Ensure Client.Deactivate on browser close for better GC

Closed this issue · 2 comments

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CodePair editor uses yorkie.Text, and during recent performance tests, we observed that as the amount of editing increases, the response time for PushPullChanges becomes slower. This issue was analyzed, revealing that yorkie.Text, based on RGA, has tombstones to execute simultaneously occurring operations. Even if content is deleted from editor, the tombstones occupy space, and while Yorkie implements GC mechanism to manage this, the effectiveness of GC relies on detaching clients that are no longer editing.

To ensure more effective GC, we need to guarantee the execution of Client.Deactivate upon browser closure. Since browser termination may happen unexpectedly, I suggest utilizing navigator.sendBeacon or fetch() with the keepalive option to implement this.

For reference, see the discussion about sending HTTP requests on page exit: Reliably Send an HTTP Request as a User Leaves a Page

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I’m not sure I fully understand.
Are you suggesting that client.deactivate should be translated into a REST API call using fetch() or sendBeacon?

Could you provide more explanation?