
define language rules

yorkie opened this issue · 4 comments

Quip still use similar token rules to Javascript, so large number of rules is javascript's rules. All rules is defined in https://github.com/yorkie/quip/blob/master/src/token.h#L17-L77

This issue would be a documentation to specify the meaning of every tokens:

  • Separator:
    • ILLEGAL: shows that an invalided syntax, this might be an error in runtime, for example, a special character like ^ maybe illegal.
    • EOS: is short for End of Source, Yes, it means the program has eat up the source file, and related files.
    • NEWLINE: in literal, it means that a new line.
    • ID: Identifier of a token, this property must attach any token.
  • Token: these characters in below should be in source codes, and has a meaning for your programs:
    • VAR: like javascript var, means start to a new variable.
    • FUNCTION: like javascript function.
    • WHILE: like javascript and most c-style languages while.
    • IF: like javascript and most c-style languages if.
    • ELSE: like javascript and most c-style languages else.
    • FOR: like javascript and most c-style languages for to make an iterator.
    • RETURN: like javascript and most c-style languages return to return a function.
    • SETTER: set the field(function, value) of prototype.
    • GETTER: get the field(function, value) of prototype.
    • THIS: this, points to current object itself.
    • SUPER: super, points to super class.
    • NEW: new a function like javascript.
    • INHERITS: inherits a base class(prototype).
    • YIELD: in ECMAScript 6, the keyword yield is to resolve callback hell, in quip, is one stuff.
    • TRY: exception related token, try.
    • CATCH: exception related token, catch.
    • THROW: exception related token, throw.
    • FINALLY: exception related token, finally.
    • LBRACE: left brace, just a simple token {.
    • RBRACE: right brace, just a simple token }.
    • LPAREN: left paren, just a simple token (.
    • RPAREN: right paren, just a simple token ).
    • LBRACKET: left bracket, just a simple token [.
    • RBRACKET: right bracket, just a simple token ].
    • COLON: colon, just a simple token :.
    • QMARK: question mark, just a simple token ?.
    • SEMICOLON: semicolon, just a simple token ;.
    • COMMA: comma, just a simple token ,.
  • Operators:
    • OP_DOT: ..
    • OP_NOT: !.
    • OP_PLUS: +.
    • OP_MINUS: -.
    • OP_MUL: *.
    • OP_DIV: /.
    • OP_MOD: %.
    • OP_GT: >.
    • OP_LT: <.
    • OP_GTE: >=.
    • OP_LTE: <=.
    • OP_EQ: ==.
    • OP_NE: !=.
    • OP_AND: &&.
    • OP_OR: ||.
    • OP_ASSIGN: =.
    • OP_PLUS_ASSIGN: +=.
    • OP_MINUS_ASSIGN: -=.
    • OP_MUL_ASSIGN: *=.
    • OP_DIV_ASSIGN: /=.
    • OP_BIT_AND: &.
    • OP_BIT_OR: |.
    • OP_BIT_XOR: ^.
    • OP_BIT_NOT: ~.
    • OP_BIT_SHL: <<.
    • OP_BIT_SHR: >>.
  • Keywords:
    • var
    • function
    • while
    • if
    • else
    • for
    • let
    • set, set the field(function, value) of prototype
    • get, get the field(function, value) of prototype
    • this
    • super
    • new
    • inherits
    • yield
    • try
    • catch
    • finally
    • throw
    • return

OPP Example:

// base class
function Base() {
  this.foo = 10;
set Base.hellostr =  "base";
set Base.hello = function() {

// sub class
function Sub() inherits Base {
  this.bar = 20;
set Sub.hellostr = "sub class";

// runtime
var sub = new Sub();
sub.hello();  // print `sub class`
sub.foo; // 10
sub.bar; // 20

Callback Example:

var fs = require('fs');
var net = require('net');
var d1, d2, d3;

// series
yield net.connect(80, 'www.google.com', function(err, socket) {
  d1 = null;
  d2 = null;
  d3 = null;

  // start progress
  [err, d1] = yield fs.read('demo1.xml')
  [err, d2] = yield fs.read('demo2.xml')
  [err, d3] = yield fs.read('demo3.xml')
  if (err) {


// parallel
yield net.connect(80, 'www.google.com', function(err, socket) {
  d1 = null;
  d2 = null;
  d3 = null;

  // start progress
  (yield [ 
  ]).foreach(function(err, data, index) {
    if (err) return onError(err);
    switch (index) {
    case 0: d1 = data; break;
    case 1: d2 = data; break;
    case 2: d3 = data; break;


function onError(e, socket) {
  throw e;


var net = require('net');

function Request(port, host) inherits net.Socket {
  this.port = port;
  this.host = host;

set Request {
  port: 80,
  host: 'localhost'

set Request.onData = function(err, chunk) {
  // then we could parser data in this

set Request.onEnd = function() {
  // then this socket is closed

set Request.request = function() {
  return this.connect();

module.exports = Request;


var HTTPRequest = require('http-req');
var req = new HTTPRequest();
var res = yield req.request();

This project has been redesigned few weeks ago, such that it doesn't create any new syntax out of ES standard no longer, then this documentation had been deprecated.