
node > python > C wrapper ?

dcsan opened this issue · 1 comments

dcsan commented

my understanding is that tensorflowJS provides bindings and direct access to the raw C libraries, but is currently only available up to TF 1.0

So this project wraps the python with node bindings, eg a "wrapper of a wrapper"
but perhaps since google is seeming to support the python bindings more than JS, this is why you have made it?

just trying to understand how much of an adoption risk and benefit there is here?

possibly relevant:

See https://github.com/alibaba/pipcook/blob/main/docs/manual/intro-to-boa.md, I created boa for that you mentioned Python bindings, actually, you could directly use tensorflow2 with boa just:

const tensorflow = boa.import('tensorflow');

See https://github.com/alibaba/pipcook/tree/main/example/boa for more examples. And this project is going to keep a consistent API with tfjs based on boa :)