
Directory of ~24,000 files slows things down considerably ..

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
I have a directory of about 24,000 files, with some hundred sub-folders, perhaps an additional 10,000 files scattered throughout the tree. spf slows down considerably on scrolling operations in the root (24k) folder. Default homebrew install, spf version v1.1.2 MacOS Monterey 12.7.4

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create or use your own local collection of files, approximating 24k.
  2. Scroll through the list as quickly as you can.
  3. Compare to a directory containing a lesser amount, e.g. 100.
  4. See error

Expected behavior
UI performance doesn't slow down with larger lists of files.

System information:

  • OS: MacOS Monterey
  • Version 12.7.4
  • Superfile Version v1.1.2

I'm pretty sure there's this bug to fix.

@seclorum Thanks for your report!
I think this should have been successfully fixed.
The following video demonstrates the smoothness at 50,000 files.

Can confirm, is definitely more performant.. Nice!