Read, search, and format texts from a serial port
formatted (simple_serial_port_reader_msgs/StringStamped)
- formatted texts
~device (string, default: "/dev/ttyUSB0")
~baud_rate (int, default: 9600)
~start_command (string, default: "")
- command to write just after opening the serial port
- write nothing if empty
- c/c++ espace sequences are replaced to corresponding characters (ex. "\n" to newline, "\r" to carriage return)
~match_expression (string, default: "(.+)\r?\n")
- regular expression to match read texts
- the default matches each entire line
~format_expression (string, default: "$1")
- format string to be applied to match results
- the default extracts 1st matched group in the match expression (i.e. with the default match expression, all charactors except newline charactors will be extracted)
~stop_command (string, default: "")
- command to write just before closing the serial port
- write nothing if empty
- c/c++ espace sequences are replaced to corresponding characters before writing
~verbose (bool, default: false)
- print texts wrote, read and formatted if true
- See example.launch