A ROS nodelet to read and locate texts in an image
If you want to use default DNNs, run the following commands to download data.
roscd text_recognition/data
Size of downloaded files would be 2-3GB in total. May take minutes or hours. If a link in the script is dead, please post an issue (with a valid link if possible).
- former part of text recognition
- subscribe images and detect bounding boxes of word-level texts (text boxes)
image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
image_out (sensor_msgs/Image)
- image in which text boxes are found
- never advertised and published unless ~republish_image is ture
texts_out (object_detection_msgs/Objects)
~republish_image (bool, default: true)
- republish image if one text box at least is detected
~architecture_file (string, default: "$(find text_recognition)/data/textbox.prototxt")
~weights_file (string, default: "$(find text_recognition)/data/TextBoxes_icdar13.caffemodel")
- deep neural network to detect text boxes
- valid as arguments for cv::text::TextDetectorCNN::create()
~score_threshold (double, default: 0.4)
~nms_threshold (double, default: 0.5)
~eta (double, default: 1.0)
~top_k (int, default: 0)
- post-filtering to suppress overlapped detection
- valid as arguments for cv::dnn::NMSBoxes()
~image_transport (string, default: "raw")
- latter part of text recognition
- subscribe images and corresponding text boxes, and recognize words
image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
texts_in (object_detection_msgs/Objects)
- text boxes on subscribed images
- timestamp must match that of a subscribed image
image_out (sensor_msgs/Image)
- image in which one word at least is recognized
- never advertised and published unless ~republish_image is ture
words_out (object_detection_msgs/Objects)
~queue_size (int, default: 10)
- queue size of synchronized subscriber of images and text boxes
~republish_image (bool, default: false)
- republish image if one word at least is recognized
~min_probability (double, default: 0.5)
- minimum probability of published words
~architecture_file (string, default: "$(find text_recognition)/data/dictnet_vgg_deploy.prototxt")
~weights_file (string, default: "$(find text_recognition)/data/dictnet_vgg.caffemodel")
~words_file (string, default: "$(find text_recognition)/data/dictnet_vgg_labels.txt")
- deep neural network to recognize a word in a text box
- valid as arguments for cv::text::OCRHolisticWordRecognizer::create()
~image_transrpot (string, default: "raw")