FEMTIC is a 3-D magnetotelluric inversion code. FEMTIC is made by object-oriented programming with C++. FEMTIC is applicable to land magnetotelluric survey data as well as ocean bottom magnetotelluric survey data.
- americ-anfootballVermont, USA
- AwesomeJayden
- boyang1984
- DFmori
- DM-20200814
- DNAipsilon
- eroots
- farfrom-Alex
- geophylika
- hongbo-yaoMacau University of Science and Technology
- ifanLi
- JunhuYu
- ldj90JLU
- leftwillow
- letianOIChina University of Geosciences, Beijing
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- MasanoriKanamaruOsaka Univ. ▶︎ ISAS/JAXA ▶︎ Univ. of Tokyo
- Ml0749276
- Niloofarhp1992
- norihiro-wAIST
- oskaydogukanToronto
- qianyimochen
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- sharaf-qeshtaHouston, TX
- shubiuhCyentech
- Swt7ngl
- tkent42
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- xltu
- YiZhangCUGZhejiang University
- Zhenli1420
- ZhiqiangZhangCUGBHebei Geo University; China University of Geosciences
- zhong-yy