Define and introduce a new json log style
yotaroy opened this issue · 1 comments
yotaroy commented
PBN file is not easy to handle.
Define a new log format in json. It is better to use the log file format as a board setting.
- log format
- board setting
yotaroy commented
Log format
- logs: list
- players
- N: string
- E: string
- S: string
- W: string
- *board_id: string (board number?)
- *dealer: string
- *deal: string (PBN format?)
- *vulnerability: string
- bid_history: list
- bid: string
- contract: string ("[level][trump] (X)(X)", "" if passed out)
- declarer: string ("N", "E", "S" or "W")
- play_history: list (size = 13)
- leader: string
- trick: list (size = 4)
- card: string
- taken_trick: int (tricks taken by the declarer's team)
- score_type: string (ex, "IMP")
- scores
- NS: int
- EW: int
- players
Board setting format
Board setting format is similar to log format. Board setting format has fields with asterisk (*).