
Unable to build for intel mac architecture

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Encountering the following error when trying to build apple-sys with screencapture-kit feature

Non floating-type complex? Type(_Complex _Float16, kind: Complex, cconv: 100, decl: Cursor( kind: NoDeclFound, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None), canon: Cursor( kind: NoDeclFound, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), Type(_Float16, kind: Float16, cconv: 100, decl: Cursor( kind: NoDeclFound, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None), canon: Cursor( kind: NoDeclFound, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None))

I've done some research and found out that the error is due to an older version of bindgen i.e 0.63 which does not have support for Float16.
Updating bindgen to 0.69 fixes the issue.

Here's a fork in which it works ->

I'll also open a PR if you want to merge those changes.