
large language model API list , one API for all LLM you want to connect .


This interface adopts the same input and output format as openai, fully compatible with the openai interface, and can be adapted to your application by simply changing one line of code, so as to access a large number of open source projects, open source models, and faster and more cost-effective services. This interface does not include the knowledge base processing capability of the Exhibition Wisdom Assistant.

Interface format reference: https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/object

API test page:


API access point: Please contact us on WeChat for OpenID.

Overseas node (faster, supports stream): https://v.stylee.top:8899/llm_api/{openid}/{userid}/{AI_system}/v1/chat/completions

China (does not support native stream):


API example: https://v.stylee.top:8899/llm_api/test/test/qwen/v1/chat/completions

Method: POST

URL parameter description:

URL filling format interpretation: fixed part of the URL access point + openid / userid / AI_system / + v1/chat ...

openid: please contact us to create, WeChat youkpan. There are more discounts for large quantities.

userid: Please refer to Exhibition Wisdom Assistant Knowledge Base AI Dialogue Interface to create userid, or fill in any one.

AI_system: processing model (if AI_system is empty, the model parameter in POST json will be used. API access point: ...{userid}//v1/chat...) :

Support temprature, top_p, frequency penalty (default is 0) and other parameters, compatible with openai interface.

Processing Model
Model Name Context Price
Yuan/1K token
Chinese Ability Explanation
gpt-3.5-turbo ChatGPT
(for testing, not supported yet)
4K 0.042 Good Usage limit
llama2-70b LLama2 70B 4k 0.019 Average Unlimited
qwen Alibaba Qianwen2 72B 32k 0.04 Excellent Unlimited
baichuan Baichuan 53B 4k 0.04 Excellent Limited, maximum 60 requests/min
llama2-32k LLAMA2 7B 32K 0.0042 Poor Unlimited
mistral mistral 7B language model 4K 0.0042 Average Unlimited, good 7B model. It is recommended to put the content in the first Message information. This model does not follow the instruction output.
misins mistral chat 7B 4K 0.0042 Average Unlimited, with instruction fine-tuning
misorca mistral chat + orca 7B 8K 0.0042 Average Unlimited, with instruction fine-tuning of large models, recommended for logical processing environment
misins-moe Mixtral-8x7B Instruct expert model 32K 0.0084 Average Unlimited, used for expert-level reasoning, with good effect
misins-moe2 Mixtral-8x7B Instruct
expert model 2
32K 0.0084 Average Unlimited, third-party fine-tuning version, used for expert-level reasoning, GSM8k effect is average.
chat5-v Visual model 5 8K Calculated by processing time
0.015 yuan/S
Good Unlimited, used for visual input processing. Before calling, please refer to the uploadfile interface to upload image streams and instructions.
deepseek-coder-33b Programming expert 33b 16K 0.017 Excellent Unlimited, used for general software writing interaction, instruction interface
codellama-34b Code LLama 34b Instruct 8K 0.017 Average Unlimited, used for general software writing interaction, instruction interface
codellama-13b Code LLama 13b Instruct 8K 0.0063 Average Unlimited, used for general software writing interaction, instruction interface
vicuna-16k vicuna 13b 16k 16K 0.0063 Average Unlimited, used for longer context English processing
yi-34b Yi 34b Chat 4K 0.011 Very good Unlimited, used for longer context Chinese processing, shorter output content.
code3 Code expert model AIcoder 34B 16K 0.011 Average Unlimited, used for code completion
pycode3 Code expert model AIcoder 34B 16K 0.012 Average Unlimited, used for code completion, instruction fine-tuning
yi-34b-t Yi 34b Chat 4K 0.019 yuan/S Very good Unlimited, used for longer context Chinese processing, shorter output content.
llama2-70b-t llama2 70b for time fee 4K 0.019 yuan/S Average Unlimited, used for longer context English processing, shorter output content.
qwen-14b-t qwen-14b-chat 8K 0.015 yuan/S Very good Unlimited
orca2-t orca2 13B 4K 0.015 yuan/S Average Unlimited, good output logic
mistral-t mistral 7B 8K 0.012 yuan/S Average Unlimited
misorca-t mistral chat + orca 7B 8K 0.012 yuan/S Average Unlimited
misins-moe-t Mixtral-8x7B Instruct expert model 32K 0.019 yuan/S Average Unlimited, used for expert-level reasoning, if the output is shorter, the cost is lower, and the effect is good
pycode3-t python code expert model AIcoder 34b 16K 0.012 yuan/S Average Unlimited, used for code completion
pycode3.1-t python code expert model AIcoder 34b 16K 0.016 yuan/S Average Unlimited, used for code completion
code3-t Code expert model AIcoder 34B 16K 0.01 yuan/S Average Unlimited, used for code completion
code3.0-t Code expert model AIcoder 34B 16K 0.01 yuan/S Average Unlimited, used for code completion
code3.1-t Code expert model AIcoder 34B 16K 0.019 yuan/S Average Unlimited, used for code completion
code2-t Code expert model AIcoder 15B 16K 0.016 yuan/S Average Unlimited, used for code completion
code2.1-t Code expert model AIcoder 15B 16K 0.016 yuan/S Average Unlimited, used for code completion
phi2-t Small model phi 2.7B 2K 0.0032 yuan/S Average Unlimited,

● X yuan/S, represents billing based on processing time, used for processing longer context, shorter output content. However, for models that have not been requested for a long time or are not frequently used, it may be necessary to reload the model, which takes 3 to 5 minutes. The cost does not include the model loading period.

Interrupt the current generation by calling the interface:

API: APIendpoint + "/suspend_current_generate?openid=&userid="

Check your account balance:


Please complete the openid field, and the type can be json.

For example, for the test account test:


Privacy statement:

For companies with privacy concerns, we can help build a local deployment environment in the future. Except for legal requirements, we do not retain your content, make every effort to protect information security, do not involve your data in training, and employees have signed confidentiality agreements. Generally, employees do not have permission to view the processed content.

For access and obtaining openid, please contact us:

WeChat: youkpan

Email: youkpan@gmail.com

Shenzhen ZhanYing Information Technology zyinfo.pro