
This repo provide Full Implmentation of VisionTransformer following Series of Article About Vision-Langauge model

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repo provide Full Implmentation of VisionTransformer following Series of Article About Vision-Langauge model , in project i implmented from Scratch using Pytorch we need to kepp mind that there's no big different only few modifications which include

  1. introduction
  2. environment project
  3. run project
  4. Predict


Major Different Bwtween Transformer in Language and Vision

Vision Transformer included few modification in Architicture main are :

  1. Linear Projection: that used Convolution Network but not in matter of extract features instead of it used to split the image of size 256x256 into sub-Patches to make the model Transformer able to learn and process the Image because of most used in NLP Seq2Seq modeling , here Linear Projection is make each Patch as Token in Vector

  2. MLP multi- Layer Perceptence: to make the model do the task classification used MLP because is widely implemented in Classification only we add CLS

Notation in Vision-Transformer only we take Encoder blocks instead of all the model Transfotmer for me infotmation read the Article

environment project

first Creat an ENV to run the poject in Dir


  1. numpy
  2. torchmetrics
  3. matplotlib
  4. torch
  5. torchvision
  6. pytorch-lightning
  7. opencv-python
  • create the enviromenet here you will need to run
conda create --name Segemnetation python=3.6
  • make sure the requirements.txt exist to the repo the packges if you want fisrt neeed to run
pip install -r requirements.txt

run project

in The transformer model there's many og Hyper-Parameters to tune baed on the exprement and data Size , to make easy to Tune the model there's Script Called CONFIG.py contain all the Parameters setup based on your purpose it will automatically Generate YAML config.yml FILE

Notation : in this project i used Pytorch-Lighting Framework because is easy to creat Loop Traning and use Mulit-GPU

to Run the model Traninig Folowwing Commmand : after finishing the Traning auto-Checkpoint Save model Called ViT.ckpt will save in current Folder project

     python train.py --Config config.yml --device  "gpu"


After the Training is done Run Predict.py to check the prediction using Save CHECKPOINT following Command: Path_Checkpoint

INSERT_Val_DATA: this one should be Validation data or TestDATA already processed

     python predict.py --Path INSERT_Val_DATA  -- Path_Checkpoint INSERT_CHECKPOINT_MODEL --OUTPUT INSERT_OUTPUT_STR.PNG