
add shortcut to manipulate the dialog

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Could you add some shortcuts to manipulate faster the dialog :

ctrl+a : select all the text already written in the dialog
ctrl+arrow left/rigth: move previous/next word
ctrl + shift + arrow left/right: slect the previous/next word


@cmeriaux CTRL+A was restored. I am investigating another short cuts.

Hi, thank you for you great work here!
I have a little and related request I think can benefit users like me.

The story: when I open the NavigateTo dialog almost always I have to press ctrl+a to delete the text and change destination (because with many tabs most probably the destination is different).
Request: can you please set the dialog to enter with fully selection (ctrl+a) or adding some option for setting it as default?
Then, if one wants the same last destination, one goes pressing enter; if different just start typing the new one

Similarly, but less frequent, be able to use home and end keys, or ctrl+arrow would be nice too.

Thank you very much!