
open dialog it should display a empty search input.

Closed this issue · 8 comments

when you open NavigateTo dialog it should has empty input field instead of showing previous entry. Or at least give the option to this behavior.

I prefer it to show the previous entry, but a user configurable option would accommodate every need.

In line with #17, being able to do a ctrl+backspace to empty the field would also do the trick, but is currently not supported and instead places a character in the search input.

Being able to default to empty (or assign a key combination to start a new empty navigation search) would be nice to have.

If content of input be selected when we open the dialog it would be better
And its very easy for developer of this magnificent plugin to do this, its not something that take years to do!

@mahpooya content of input is selected in the latest version of the plugin. It can be clear by delete or backspace.
I am going to move different optional functionality to settings file/form.

v1.12.7 fixed a bunch of issues and added support for more keys to be used in the input dialog, but ctrl+backspace still results in an extra instead of removing the previous word entered. (ctrl+shift+arrow left works, but is not as convenient)

New plugin v2 is available. Please retest and let me know if something else can be added/changed:

I forgot about this settings option but I will add it in the next release version.