
Feature Request: Remember column widths

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Version: NavigateTo v2.7

It would be great if the plugin remembered the set column widths.

Steps to reproduce problem;

I expand the width of the Name-column to see the full file name

I switch to another pane like Document list

...or the project panel

...and I go back to NavigateTo the columns are reset and the Name column is truncated again

This is not a problem if you undock the form, as I have done for as long as I've had NavigateTo.

If you start off docked like this:


You can click the top edge and drag, until you see the ghost wireframe of the window free-floating, and then it will be undocked like this:


Besides allowing you to make the form as large as you want without making it impossible to read your documents, Notepad++ remembers the size and position of non-docking forms between sessions.

I therefore believe the following:

  • this issue should be closed as not planned, as NavigateTo should not have to remember config data that Notepad++ can remember for it
  • the next release of NavigateTo should change the form so that it is not docking. I personally do not believe there is any benefit to it being a docking form.
  • if it continues to be a docking form, the documentation should remind people that undocking it is an option.

Thanks for your views on the matter.
Personally I still have hope in the feature request. I like having it docked, not free-floating or docked vertically.
I believe UI views with columns should remember the set width as per user preference.

@korpx There is such functionality but it is hidden on Settings page. When you resize preview table columns on Settings page you actually modify percentage of each column for actual NavigateTo table.