
No output given

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Just started with the API to provide clients with detailed invoice information. I use the following code:



$config = array(
    'clientname' => 'clientname', // see Moneybird URL:
    'emailaddress' => 'emailaddress', // You set this when creating the account
    'password' => 'password', // The password you set in Moneybird when you confirmed the e-mail address

// Create a Transport
$transport = new Moneybird\HttpClient();

$connector = new Moneybird\ApiConnector(
    new Moneybird\XmlMapper() // create a mapper

$errors = $connector->getErrors();
foreach ($errors as $error) {
    echo $error->attribute . ': ' . $error->message . '<br />';

$contactService = $connector->getService('Contact');
$invoiceService = $connector->getService('Invoice');

$contacts = $contactService->getAll();
foreach ($contacts as $contact) {
    echo $contact->name . '<br />';

echo 'Requests left: ' . $connector->requestsLeft();


Connecting seems to work. I get the requests left on screen when I remove:

$contacts = $contactService->getAll();
foreach ($contacts as $contact) {
    echo $contact->name . '<br />';

Otherwise, nothing gets output. No $errors, nothing. Any ideas? Oh, I use the correct credentials.

No output seems to me you're missing a fatal error which is not displayed on screen. Try again with the next lines after the php opening tag:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);

Indeed... I configured the error reports in .htaccess but they didn't seem to work. Problem was that no timezone was set in php.ini. Got it working now. Thanks for the fast reply!