
There is no Intent "DeploymentIntent" in the autogenerated AlexaHandler file

Opened this issue · 1 comments

First, great work, thank you!

Your code saves me a lot of time and your youtube video is straight forward. But going through all steps you've shown in the video, there is a little "failure" in your code in comparison to the video.
In the Youtube video you referenced the Intent "DeploymentIntent" but in the current code version (I've tried on v.0.2.6) there is no such Intent in the autogenerated AlexaHandler code.

In the AlexaHandler file, see line 86 and below:

       if intent_name == "Your First Intent":
            speechlet = self._build_speechlet_response(card_title,

            response = self._build_response(session_attributes, speechlet)
    elif intent_name == "Your Second Intent":
        speechlet = self._build_speechlet_response(card_title,

        response = self._build_response(session_attributes, speechlet)
        raise ValueError("Invalid intent")


I guess it can be confusing for new people going to your example. In the code you reference to an Intent called "Your First Intent" and "Your Second Intent". If I change the first intent from "Your First Intent" -- to --> "DeploymentIntent" it works for your example on youtube. Can you please fix it in your template generator for the AlexaHandler to make it more comprehensible for new developer?


Hi David

Thank you very much for your suggestion. There were definitely some changes in the library from the time the video was made to the latest release, and you are correct, it can be confusing. I will trying to re-sync the video and library as soon as I can.

Thanks for the suggestion.