[CVPR 2020] CenterMask : Real-time Anchor-Free Instance Segmentation
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KeyError: "No object named 'build_fcos_vovnet_fpn_backbone' found in 'BACKBONE' registry!"
#94 opened by Ultraopxt - 0
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i am not familiar with detectron2 , how can i use the centermask2 in pure pytorch network defines and weights ?
#86 opened by leoluopy - 1
CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED when calling `cublasCreate(handle)`
#74 opened by JarintotionDin - 0
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'BitMasks' object has no attribute 'polygons'
#79 opened by Paragjain10 - 0
Imagenet pretrain 모델로 연락드립니다.
#98 opened by chansunsong - 0
May be error in MaskIOU module
#97 opened by AshStuff - 1
Deploying CenterMask2 on Torch Mobile
#56 opened by limsijie93 - 0
how to use centermask-lite demo?
#96 opened by JunsukLee - 0
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Inference on random images using pre-trained models with does not produce meaningful results
#90 opened by DavideDaz - 0
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how to test single image
#92 opened by szh91 - 0
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About backbone pretrained models
#87 opened by HsiaX - 4
The gap between the results of our training centermask_R_101_FPN_ms_3x.yaml and the record of the paper
#85 opened by luyao-cv - 1
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pre-trained model pth not downloaded
#81 opened by enginbozaba - 2
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The accuracy is 0
#76 opened by jiameixia1202 - 17
ERROR: python
#70 opened by KangolHsu - 4
CenterMask2 with pytorch > 1.6 doesn't work
#77 opened by ApelSYN - 1
Warning & Slow problem
#53 opened by hyunaseo - 1
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Training with transfer Learning
#60 opened by RMalikM - 1
where I can set batchsize.
#58 opened by XiaoMingDe - 1
How to visualize when I val and test?
#62 opened by Tongtong-allure - 2
How to train centermask2 on my dataset
#67 opened by yangfei963158659 - 1
transfer learning
#65 opened by hyunaseo - 2
Multi GPU for
#66 opened by hyunaseo - 1
Some questions about paper results.
#73 opened by FightStone - 1
SCORE_THRESH_TEST = 0.05 doesn't work
#78 opened by haderalim - 3
Error when starts training Center Mask
#72 opened by haderalim - 0
how to analyze the moel?
#75 opened by GittersYang - 1
How to resume training model with a specific weight file(from the last checkpoint file)?
#63 opened by GittersYang - 1
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about demo speed.
#61 opened by feifeiwei - 0
[Evaluation] No accuracy for each classes
#59 opened by DINOUS11 - 0
When training, some strange phenomena appear after the learning rate decays.
#57 opened by FightStone - 0