
How to make it work, when using Ollama installed on Ubuntu WSL

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I can't run $env:OLLAMA_ORIGINS="app://*"; ollama serve on Windows PS, while Ollama is running on WSL.

Hi @Nukael, on Windows you can also use the Ollama Windows App if you'd like. You can find the documentation here. In case you want to use the WSL here is how to do it: OLLAMA_ORIGINS="app://*" && ollama serve

Hi. When I try that "OLLAMA_ORIGINS="app://*" && ollama serve" on WSL I receive this: "Error: listen tcp bind: address already in use"

This is probably because Ollama is already running somewhere. To kill this process do something like this:
Find the process id using port 11434: sudo lsof -i :11434
Kill the process: sudo kill -9 <PID> with being the value you received from the previous cmd

The problem still exists still after adding the OLLAMA_ORIGINS="app://*, using a ubuntu WSL, and obsidian in windows. The plugin fails at Test if the origins are set correctly. Have even tried adding it in .bashrc, and as env, but it still doesnt work, even after restarting WSL