
Encoding in 3.0.0-beta.2 does not allow for using a secret that is not base64 encoded

Closed this issue · 4 comments

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Issue Info

Info Value
Platform Name iOS
Platform Version 10.3
Integration Method Cocoapods
Xcode Version Xcode
Repro rate all the time (100%)

Issue Description and Steps

I have been migrating from version 2.2.0 to 3.0.0-beta.2. In doing so, it appears the encoding no longer behaves the same. We were previously using a secret without base64 encoding. However, when sending that same secret to the encoder in 3.0.0-beta.2, a different signature is produced. In digging further, it seems that in 3.x, the secret and secretData properties both store a base64 encoded version of the secret. So, the signature is always produced with a base64 encoded version of the given secret. The server I'm communicating with is not expecting the secret to be base64 encoded, and therefore it cannot validate the signature.

The relevant code is highlighted below. Note that secret is presumably the non-base64 encoded string. However, it is calling to dataFromString which is then base64 encoding it. So, presumably, there is no way to create a JWT encoding that does not use a base64 encoded secret.

- (instancetype)secretData:(NSData *)secretData {
    self.internalSecretData = secretData;
    return self;

- (instancetype)secret:(NSString *)secret {
    self.internalSecretData = [self dataFromString:secret];
    return self;
- (NSData *)dataFromString:(NSString *)string {
   NSData *result = [JWTBase64Coder dataWithBase64UrlEncodedString:string];
   if (result == nil) {
       // tell about it?!
       NSLog(@"%@ %@ something went wrong. Data is not base64encoded", self.debugDescription, NSStringFromSelector(_cmd));
   return result ?: [string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

@andriajensen Hi!
Am I right that this could be solved by adding string streamers/coders in dataHolders?

In perspective:

- (id<JWTStringCoder>)coder {
   return _coder;

- (NSData *)dataFromString:(NSString *)string {
   NSData *result = [self.coder dataWithString:string];   
   return result ?: [JWTDefaultStringCoder dateWithString:string]


Could you check latest master?


This seems like a sane approach.

Looks like it works with latest master. However, I'm seeing a new issue that I'll open another for.