
How is it compiled?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

How exactly is it compiled? I downloaded Visual Studio 2022 and installed C++. I downloaded the dependencies from the links you provided. I extracted the downloaded files to where the build.bat is and edited the build.bat file as

set HL2SDK_DIR="hl2sdk"
set ASIO_DIR="asio"

if %HL2SDK_DIR%==""  (
    echo Warning: Please set hl2sdk-csgo path in build.bat before running.
    eit \b

if %ASIO_DIR%==""  (
    echo Warning: Please set asio path in build.bat before running.
    exit \b

cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32 -B "vs2019" -DHL2SDK-CSGO:PATH=%HL2SDK_DIR% -DASIO-SRC:PATH=%ASIO_DIR%
cmake --build vs2019 --config Release

. After double clicking Build.bat and running it, nothing happens. I wonder if there is such a thing as a video on compilation?

For vs2022 the value of the -G option should be visual studio 17 2022 instead of the current one, I suppose.

Well, for your latest replies which has been deleted for I guess the sensitive information, are you using official steam or modified version? Is your steam working as expected? Normally the steam api won't has initialization failure.

And with -ticket option you have to give a valid ticket generated by ticketgen in tools.
