Exits on CSVCMsg_CmdKeyValues_t
tv1993 opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi, I've build the client successfully and it also starts and connects to GC and I get the reservation id
Output start:
Trying to establish connection with GC, this may take a while...
GC Connection established for client
Trying to request server reservation id from GC, this may take a while...
Get server reservation id 0xBC7244302612E242
Output end:
Looks like the account connected to the server or requested the information but then the process exits.
Output start:
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Map: de_map
Players: 1 (0 bots) / 64 humans
Build: 8802
Server Number: 4
Receive NetMessage CSVCMsg_CmdKeyValues_t, print as string:
Output end:
I tried to implement a few debug messages in functions to understand where it stops.
Output start:
DEBUG ProcessPacket(length);
DEBUG int flags = ProcessPacketHeader(msg);
DEBUG ProcessPacket, !ProcessMessages
DEBUG Are we at the end?
Output end:
This loop gets printed 36 times and then the process exits after receiving NetMessage CSVCMsg_CmdKeyValues_t.
Currently im not using ticketgen to generate a ticket, I use the full client with running steam, bound with start argunment on same client port as the tiny client. Any idea why this is happening and how I can fix this?
Through the limited information you've provided I currently can't figure out what kind of crash is it. It is now working fine in my test environment. You can try the following approaches to debug yourself.
1. Debug using visual studio. (CMake will generate vs project files when compiling the project)
2. Try to connect to a pure server without any plugins to see if it would happen again.
3. Try to connect to some other public servers to see if there would be a successful connection.
Im so sorry, compiling issue :/