
InputObject converted as string

carere opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, first of all, thx for the bundle.

My problem is when i try to send a mutation which delete an object i got this error:

Object of class Youshido\GraphQL\Parser\Ast\ArgumentValue\InputObject could not be converted to string

I don't understand why the inputObject would be converted to string, this is my mutation:

mutation { deleteContent(api_key: "xxx",id: 3) }

Here is my code in PHP for that mutation:


namespace AppBundle\GraphQL\Mutation\Content;

use AppBundle\Entity\Content;
use AppBundle\GraphQL\Type\ContentType;
use Youshido\GraphQL\Config\Field\FieldConfig;
use Youshido\GraphQL\Execution\ResolveInfo;
use Youshido\GraphQL\Type\NonNullType;
use Youshido\GraphQL\Type\Scalar\StringType;
use Youshido\GraphQLBundle\Field\AbstractContainerAwareField;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AuthenticationServiceException;
use Youshido\GraphQL\Type\Scalar\IntType;

class DeleteContentField extends AbstractContainerAwareField
  public function build(FieldConfig $config)
      'api_key' => new NonNullType(new StringType()),
      'id' => new NonNullType(new IntType()),

  public function resolve($value, array $args, ResolveInfo $info)
    if ($this->container->get('AppBundle\Service\AuthenticationFlow')->authenticate(['api_key' => $args['api_key']])) {
      $emf = $this->container->get('AppBundle\Service\EntityManagerFactory');
      $content = $emf->findContent($args['id']);
      $page = $content->getPage();
      $emf->save($page, true);
      $emf->remove($content, true);
      return 'Content Removed...';
    throw new AuthenticationServiceException('Poblem during authentication. Please retry', 401);

  public function getType()
    return new StringType();

  public function getName()
    return 'deleteContent';

For info, the item is deleted from DB, but when i use Apollo in order to launch my query (in my JS app) i got this error. If i launch the same query in the graphql explorer: no issue encountered.

Did i do anything wrong ? Hope someone can explain me what happen on this use case :)

Hi, @carere

Can you check is Apollo query equal to explorer one? (use network tab in dev tools

Hello, actually it comes from me...

Sorry for the issue, the problem was in the JS side, the stack error isn't as good as symfony's one :)

Thx again for the bundle !!!

Also my recommendation is not to use *ContainerAwareField, the better solution is to use container from ResolveInfo: $info->getContainer().

Thx for the advice,

I dumped the $info in order to see what it contains, and i saw that the $container property was set to null.

How can i inject the container in the $info variable ?


I saw that the $container is lazy-loaded :)

I will use this way in the future :)