
Add symfony3 as requirement in composer.json

TiMESPLiNTER opened this issue · 2 comments

The method FrameworkController::json() this bundle relies on is available since Symfony 3.0 so the requires block in composer.json of this bundle should require that symfony >= 3.0 get installed. Else the whole GraphQLBundle will not work.

Attempted to call an undefined method named \"json\" of class \"Youshido\\GraphQLBundle\\Controller\\GraphQLController\".

The other solution would be to create a symfony 2.7/2.8 comapitble branch or something like that. Or are there any other symfony 3.0 functionalities required to get this bundle working?

EDIT no not even symfony 3.0 has this json method in controller. Symfony >= 3.1 is required.


Thank you for your interesting this bundle. And you're right, we'll fix it today.

fixed in v1.1.2+