
Incorrectly typed `aioboto.dynamodb.BatchWriter`

YaraslauZhylko opened this issue ยท 10 comments

Describe the bug

aioboto3.dynamodb.BatchWriter might be incorrectly typed.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Use fully correct and working aioboto3 code suggested by aioboto3 docs:

    import aioboto3
    session = aioboto3.Session()
    async with session.resource("dynamodb") as resource:
        table = await resource.Table("SomeTable")
        async with table.batch_writer() as batch:
            await batch.delete_item(Key={"id": "123"})
            await batch.delete_item(Key={"id": "456"})
  2. Run mypy.

  3. Get an error.

Actual output error: "Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]" has no attribute "__aenter__"  [attr-defined] error: "Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]" has no attribute "__aexit__"  [attr-defined]

Expected output

No errors.

Additional context

  • Linux OS
  • Python 3.11.4
  • types-aiobotocore-dynamodb==2.5.2 (generated using mypy-boto3-builder==7.14.5).
vemel commented

Thank you for the report!

I added a fix for this. Now Table is inherited from aioboto3.dynamodb.table.CustomTableResource, which is annotated in types-aioboto3 package. I will release a fix today.

vemel commented

Fixed in mypy_boto3_builder 7.14.8. Please test and let me know if it works as it should.

I released a new version of types-aiobotocore-dynamodb 2.5.0.post2 with the hotfix.

This particular error is fixed.

But there seems to be some new issues:
Module "types_aiobotocore_dynamodb.type_defs" has no attribute "UpdateItemOutputTableTypeDef"; maybe "UpdateItemOutputOutputTypeDef"? [attr-defined]

The error is caused by this import:

from types_aiobotocore_dynamodb.type_defs import UpdateItemOutputTableTypeDef

That was not the case in 2.5.0.post1 or 2.5.2. There was no error importing UpdateItemOutputTableTypeDef.

vemel commented

Yes, this is due to the new naming introduced in 7.14.7. All output shapes now have OutputTypeDef postfix to differentiate them from input shapes. The issue was that some shapes are used both as input (not all keys are required) and as output (all keys are present). To avoid a name clash, I added OutputTypeDef postfix, even if the underlying shape itself has Output in the shape name.

Please update your code, the correct name is UpdateItemOutputOutputTypeDef now.

It does seem to work correctly with the new naming in 2.5.0.post2. Thanks for fixing it.

Should we expect the fixed to be released in 2.5.3 any time soon?

vemel commented

@YaraslauZhylko yes, I am going to update 2.5.2 as well. No rename required, I am working on a new update that will be compatible with pre-7.14.7 TypeDef name generation.

vemel commented

@YaraslauZhylko just released types-aiobotocore-dynamodb 2.5.0.post3. Please test it and let me know if it works as it should.

Also, there is types-aiobotocore-dynamodb 2.5.2.post1 with the fix included.

@vemel 2.5.0.post3 and 2.5.2.post1 work without renaming. ๐Ÿ‘

Will there by any other updates today (like 2.5.3) or should I stay with 2.5.2.post1 for now?

vemel commented

@YaraslauZhylko aiobotocore 2.5.3 has not been released yet. types-aiobotocore version is always the same as the corresponding aiobotocore version, plus post releases in case of urgent fixes.

So, 2.5.2.post1 is the latest, no more updates for today.

Feel free to close the issue if it is resolved.