
Microservice-based translator system, developed with Nodejs and JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Coding challenge


NodeJS newer than v12.14.1


The system is composed of the following four microservices.

  • Gateway: responsible for processing client post request that uploads a text file for translation, and for passing the contents to Translator service

  • Translator: responseible for getting the translation contents from Gateway service and send the text to TMS to make it translated. Reveives the result from TMS and passes it to Mailer.

  • TMS: Translation management system. Receives translation texts, translates and returns the result.

  • Mailer: Receieves translation results from Translator service and sends email with the result to the client.

How to run the application

  1. Clone this repository locally
  2. Install all the dependencies at root directory
$ yarn install:all

# or 

$ npm run install:all

NOTE: yarn install or npm run install does not install all the dependencies of micro servicies. Please make sure to use install:all

  1. Set environment variables

The application is composed of four different micro services: gateway translator tms and mailer.
To run the application, please set the following environment variables at the root directory.

Variable Example, Memo
AMQP_URL Required Ex. amqps://xxxxx
MAIL_HOST Required Ex. smtp.mailtra.io
MAIL_PORT Required
MAIL_USER Required
MAIL_PASS Required
GATEWAY_PORT Optional Default value: 3000
TRANSLATOR_PORT Optional Default value: 3001
MAILER_PORT Optional Default value: 3002
TMS_PORT Optional Default value: 3003
DEV_MAILSENDER Required sender of email
DEV_MAILRECIPIENT Optional recipient email to send the test email to
  1. Run all the micro services

I used PM2 to manage the process. If you have not installed PM2, please install it.

$ yarn start

# or 

$ npm run start
  1. Stop all the processes
$ yarn stop

# or 

$ npm run stop

NOTE: Alternatively, you can run each micro service by running yarn start or npm run start under the directory of each service.

Example: To run only gateway service

$ cd ./gatweay
$ yarn start

# or

$ npm run start

Usage for client

1. To upload a text file for translation

To upload a file which you want to be translated, please send POST request to a following endpoint.



Required keys

email : your email address - This will be the destination to send the translation result to

subtitle-text: The text file that you want to be translated

Content-type: multipart/form-data

Example of a POST request:

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
  -F "email=yuki@mail.com" \
  -F "subtitle-text=@/Users/yukisato/Desktop/lengoo.txt" \

or with Postman:


NOTE: The file must be a text file and the content must follow the following format.

Example of a text file lengoo.txt

1 [00:00:12.00 - 00:01:20.00] Hello World
2 [00:03:55.00 - 00:04:20.00] Hello guys.
3 [00:04:59.00 - 00:05:30.00] I walk to the supermarket.

After you send the POST request, you should receive an email with the text file that has the result of the translation.

2. To import a dictionary data

To import a dictoinary data which you want to add to TMS, please send POST request to a following endpoint.




Data: The data needs to be a JSON object that has ALL of these keys: source, target, sourceLanguage, targetLanguage

Content-type: application/json

Example of a dictionary data:

    "source": "I walk to the supermarket",
    "target": "Ich gehe zum Supermarkt.",
		"sourceLanguage": "en",
		"targetLanguage": "de"

Example of a POST request

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"source": "I walk to the supermarket", "target": "Ich gehe zum Supermarkt.","sourceLanguage": "en", "targetLanguage": "de"}' \

How to run tests

All the tests can be run by yarn test or npm run test.

That's it! Hope this works. 🚀

If you have any questions, please drop me a line at sato.youxi@gmail.com ✉️
