
Flutter sliver grid layout with patterns

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT



Flutter Sliver Grid delegate that allow to generate box patterns for SliverGrid.


Getting started

In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:

  flutter_grid_patterm: <latest_version>


import 'package:flutter_grid_pattern/flutter_grid_pattern.dart';

class GridPatternDemo extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
        body: CustomScrollView(slivers: [
            // Attach SliverGridPatternDelegate to SliverGrid
            gridDelegate: SliverGridPatternDelegate(patterns: [
              // Add your list of patterns
              PatternNTiles(tileHeight: 150, nb: 3),
              PatternRow(patterns: [
                PatternNTiles(tileHeight: 150, nb: 1),
                PatternNTiles(tileHeight: 150, nb: 2),
                SliverChildBuilderDelegate((BuildContext context, int index) {
              return Container(
                child: Text("tile $index")


Create an horizontal list of tile. All tiles have the same width and a fixed height.

Parameter Description
tileHeight Height of the tiles
nb Number of tiles


// Pattern is a row composed of 4 tiles
SliverGridPatternDelegate(patterns: [
    PatternNTiles(tileHeight: 75, nb: 4),

Create 2 tiles aligned horizontally. Tiles have the same height. Width is defined by a ratio.

Parameter Description
tileHeight Height of the tiles
ratio Width ratio, corresponds to width of tile1 over width of tile2


// Pattern composed of
// 2 tiles with width of 1/3 and 2/3
// followed by
// 2 tiles with width of 2/3 and 1/3
SliverGridPatternDelegate(patterns: [
    Pattern2Tiles(tileHeight: 150, ratio: 1/3.0),
    Pattern2Tiles(tileHeight: 150, ratio: 2/3.0),


Create a row that contains a list of patterns. All pattern of the list have the same width. The height of the row is the height of the highest pattern in the list.

Parameter Description
patterns A list of patterns


// Pattern is composed of a row containing 2 patterns :
// First 50% : 1 tile
// Last 50% : row of 2 tiles
SliverGridPatternDelegate(patterns: [
    PatternRow(patterns: [
        PatternNTiles(tileHeight: 75, nb: 1),
        PatternNTiles(tileHeight: 75, nb: 2),


Place a list of patterns in a column.

Parameter Description
patterns A list of patterns


// A column composed of 1 tile followed by a row of 2 tiles
SliverGridPatternDelegate(patterns: [
    PatternCol(patterns: [
        PatternNTiles(tileHeight: 400, nb: 1),
        PatternNTiles(tileHeight: 200, nb: 2),


Example 2

// A row composed of 2 vertical tiles followed horizontally by another tile
SliverGridPatternDelegate(patterns: [
    PatternRow(patterns: [
      PatternCol(patterns: [
        PatternNTiles(tileHeight: 100, nb: 1),
        PatternNTiles(tileHeight: 100, nb: 1),
      PatternNTiles(tileHeight: 200, nb: 1),
