
draw divider on top of item instead of below

passsy opened this issue · 5 comments

From the Material Design Spec

Dividers are placed along the bottom edge of the content tiles, independent of the grid.

The current implementation draws the dividers below the item:

        if (mDividerType == DividerType.DRAWABLE) {
-            bounds.top = child.getBottom() + params.topMargin + transitionY;
+            // I haven't tested the drawable implementation
+            bounds.top = child.getBottom() + params.topMargin + transitionY - dividerSize;
            bounds.bottom = bounds.top + dividerSize;
        } else {
-            bounds.top = child.getBottom() + params.topMargin + dividerSize / 2 + transitionY;
+            // this one works great
+            bounds.top = child.getBottom() + params.topMargin - dividerSize / 2 + transitionY;
            bounds.bottom = bounds.top;

and this can be removed because the size does not change

    protected void setItemOffsets(Rect outRect, int position, RecyclerView parent) {
-        outRect.set(0, 0, 0, getDividerSize(position, parent));
+        outRect.set(0, 0, 0, 0);

This feature should be optional

Thanks for letting me know this!!

But the doc also states

Dividers are 1dp thick, with an opacity of either 12% black in light themes or 12% white in dark themes.

So, I feel I should write gist or something instead of adding its feature to this library.

The correct styling of material dividers is easy.

    .color(Color.parseColor("#1effffff")) // for dark themes
    .color(Color.parseColor("#1e000000")) // for light themes
    .sizeResId(R.dimen.dp1) // 1dp

The problem was the correct positioning of the divider which is not possible with the current API. I suggest a property like this for the Builder triggering the logic above:

    .positionInsideItem(true) // default false

yes, u r right. I'll try to implement its feature in next version

Added the feature at v1.2.9

Works! Thank you