
Mini Shell, it's like bash simple executor and reader.

Primary LanguageC


Minishell is a command-line shell program, inspired by Bash, built using the C language and libc functions. It follows a similar algorithm and steps as tokenization, parsing using a tree data structure, expanding, and execution of commands. This project aims to provide a basic understanding of how shells work and offers a simplified implementation of a command-line interpreter.


  • Command Execution: Minishell allows the execution of various commands, including built-in commands and external programs.
  • Bash-like Syntax: The shell supports a subset of the syntax used in popular shells like Bash, making it familiar and easy to use.
  • Tokenization and Parsing: Minishell employs a tokenizer and parser to break down user input into meaningful tokens and parse them into a command structure.
  • Variable Expansion: The shell supports variable expansion, allowing users to utilize and manipulate environment variables.
  • Redirection and Pipes: Minishell provides the functionality to redirect input/output and pipe output between commands.
  • Signal Handling: The shell incorporates signal handling, allowing for graceful termination and handling of signals such as Ctrl+C.

Getting Started

To get started with Minishell, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/yrhiba/mnsh/
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd minishell
  3. Compile the code using a C compiler: make all
  4. Run the shell: ./minishell


Once Minishell is running, you can start entering commands. Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • Execute an external program: ls -l
  • Use built-in commands: cd <directory> or echo <message>
  • Redirect input/output: cat file.txt > output.txt or grep "pattern" < input.txt
  • Pipe output between commands: ls -l | grep ".txt"

For more information on available commands and features, refer to the documentation within Bash.