robust fit indices for ordinal data with equality constraints
TDJorgensen opened this issue · 2 comments
Not sure the full scope of the problem, but noting it here to investigate at some point. Reported on CrossValidated, but here is a reprex:
data(datCat) <- ' FU1 =~ u1 + u2 + u3 + u4
FU2 =~ u5 + u6 + u7 + u8 '
fit1 <- cfa(, data = datCat, group = "g", = TRUE)
fit0 <- cfa(, data = datCat, group = "g", = TRUE,
group.equal = c("thresholds","loadings","intercepts"))
fitMeasures(fit1, output = "pretty") # robust fit indices look good
fitMeasures(fit0, output = "pretty") # here they are NA
But the model-implied matrices are positive definite:
sapply(lavInspect(fit0, "cor.ov"), det)
So I don't see why the ML fit function would fail with the DWLS estimates.
Weirdly, this seems to happen only when thresholds are among the constrained parameters (whether constrained in syntax with labels, or using group.equal=
). When only the loadings are constrained (which is invalid because scales aren't linked without threshold constraints), the robust indices are provided:
fitL <- cfa(, data = datCat, group = "g", group.equal = c("loadings"))
fitMeasures(fitL, output = "pretty")
This is the same behavior reported on CrossValidated using other data.
I believe this is now fixed in the github version.
The problem was that the (intercepts and) thresholds are removed in the 'continuous' version of the model (using estimator catML), but the equality constraints were still present in the parameter table. This produced an error (silently), resulting in NAs.
While looking into this, I was somewhat surprised to see that in the fit0 model (with equal loadings/thresholds), df=66 for the user model, but df=56 for the baseline model. Some fit indices (like RFI) give NA in this case. (Perhaps all incremental fit indices should?). Something just doesn't feel right.
I believe this is now fixed in the github version
Thanks! The reprex above works now. I posted a response on CrossValidated. Maybe that OP will respond positively, too.
I was somewhat surprised to see that in the fit0 model (with equal loadings/thresholds), df=66 for the user model, but df=56 for the baseline model
Indeed, this is because lavaan's default baseline model freely estimates thresholds. Thus, it is not actually nested in a model with equality-constrained thresholds, so it should not be used to calculate incremental fit indices (regardless of whether the value comes out NA
, or whether the df are lower in the baseline model). This is the same issue with continuous variables, when scalar-invariance constraints are imposed: a baseline model with free intercepts is not nested under a scalar-invariance model with equality-constrained intercepts.
Widaman, K. F., & Thompson, J. S. (2003). On specifying the null model for incremental fit indices in structural equation modeling. Psychological Methods, 8(1), 16–37.