
Not compiling in version 0.34.0

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Good afternoon,

First, thanks for your work on translating Lazy Foo into Rust, this is of great help.

I tried to compile your code with sdl 0.34.0, and it won't. The issue is with the renderer. I could not detect any change in the module video.rs between 0.27.2 and 0.34.0 and still, it won't compile any more (I do compile it with 0.27.2).
Issue is with the folling line of code:
let mut renderer = window.renderer().build().unwrap();
renderer() method not found in sdl2::video::Window

Would you be able to figure it out? More than the fact that I can't compile with 0.34.0, it is the reason behind that I am interested in.

Thank you. Bruno.