The initial requirements of the assignment were changed a little bit :). To be more precise: "Tasks are stored in Todo lists per user"

Solution structure

  • Minglesports.Tasks.Core - core project with Domain models, operation handlers and provider interfaces
  • Minglesports.Tasks.Providers - providers implementation
  • Minglesports.Tasks.Web - API controllers
  • Minglesports.Tasks.BuildingBlocks - shared classes
  • Minglesports.Tasks.Tests - unit tests project


Application has the following domain structure:

ToDoList : AggregateRoot
    - Id
    - UserId 
    - Task[]

Task: Entity
    - Id
    - Name
    - Description
    - Status (Pending | Completed)
    - DeadlineUtc
    - CreatedAtUtc


There is one event that is published from TodoList aggregate: TaskUpdatedEvent. At this moment the handler of this event (TaskUpdatedEventHandler) does nothing and is used for demonstration purposes only.

In general event dispatch works in the following way:

  1. Aggregate root accumulates events via PublishEvent method
  2. EfUnitOfWork selects during the commit of entities all events from aggregate roots that were attached to change tracker
  3. If database transaction has completed then events from the previous step are sent via ISendMessages interface.

In this solution MediatrMessageSender was implemented to send messages to CQRS pipelines. But it can be replaced with any messaging system.

This is not a fully "production ready" approach. I would add a custom state tracking mechanism to aggregate roots. That will give developers more control over message dispatch.

EF and database

SQL server was chosen as a persistence storage. Owned Entity Types feature of EF is used to map entities to database tables.

Mapping configuration is located in Providers project, TodoListEntityConfig class.


Mediator messages have the following types: Commands, Queries and Notifications (for events).

Custom pipeline behavior (LoggingBehaviour) was added to request handling process. It is used to log request execution and measure execution time.

User context

At this moment UserId is taken from a custom HTTP header MS-User-Id. But of course in a real application this should be replaced with a proper Authorization header with Bearer token or something similar.

User context is initialized in UserContextMiddleware middleware.


The following API endpoint are available:

  1. GET /api/tasks - get the list of user tasks

Sample response:

  "data": [
      "id": "d3fc982c-b518-4474-9a82-f1265e6b47f0",
      "status": "Pending",
      "name": "My task",
      "description": "This is test description",
      "deadlineUtc": "2021-07-01T22:00:18.367",
      "createdAtUtc": "2021-07-01T22:01:51.1566326"
  "errors": [],
  "success": true
  1. POST /api/tasks - create a new task
  2. PUT /api/tasks/{id} - update
  3. DELETE /api/tasks/{id} - delete

Unit tests

Unit tests are separated in 3 categories:

  1. Domain - unit tests for domain models
  2. Repositories - unit tests for providers / persistence storages. I personally prefer to use Sqlite EF provider because in-memory database does not fully support reference constraints
  3. OperationHandlers - unit tests for operation handlers

Launch settings

Steps to start the application locally:

  1. Edit connection string in appsettings.{env}.json file
  2. Update database
dotnet ef database update --project Minglesports.Tasks.Providers --startup-project Minglesports.Tasks.Web`  
  1. Start Minglesports.Tasks.Web project

Missing features

  1. Logging (with custom properties per log entry and the propagation of correlation id)
  2. More unit tests...