##Visualisation Demo


##Flask Demo


Questions to be answered using the dataset

    1. Which areas are fastest growing in terms of business survivability. (May have cheaper rent, expenditure etc). Areas with the highest rate of increase of survivability (highest 1st differential) against time.

      Pie chart?, maybe 5-8 highest (maybe too cluttered) Sideways bar chart, maybe 5 highest (much cleaner) For a broader sense you could use a heat map / Choropleth Map

    1. Which areas are best in terms of business survivability. (To start / branch new business).

      Pie chart For a broader sense you could use a heat map / Choropleth Map For specifics use line chart to compare multiple boroughs across years

    1. Which areas require government assistance through business grants, changes in tax policy etc. (Low business survivability/ fastest reducing).

      Pie chart Line chart to see which deaths / survival percentage are decreasing fastest Choropleth

    1. Which areas have most business deaths? (Swoop in and buy cheap equipment from failed businesses).

      Pie chart to quickly check all in terms of deaths/total deaths Line chart to see which deaths / survival percentage are decreasign fastest Choropleth Map

    1. How successful previous government initiatives/ policies have been for small businesses? (Did business survivability increase after implementation?

      Use pie chart to check if the ratio of deaths compared to all the other boroughs has decreased Use line chart to clearly see if there has been a decrease