How is that Hatcher's Algebraic Topology is not mentioned?
Bolt64 opened this issue · 1 comments
Bolt64 commented
I've noticed you've left out Allen Hatcher's Algebraic Topology from your list of textbooks in that topic. I would send a pull request outlining the book, but I've only started reading it, and it might take me a while. I suggest if you've read it, might add an entry for it.
ystael commented
Remember that almost all of this was written in 1997-98, before the publication of many texts that are now standard. Hatcher is certainly one; the most glaring omission to my eyes is Stein & Shakarchi's Princeton lectures on analysis series.
I am not qualified (now) to comment on algebraic topology texts; I would love for someone more current to add comparative reviews of, say, Hatcher, tom Dieck, and May's Concise course.