
How to install sponskrub to use it with yt-dlp

TheJags opened this issue · 3 comments

hi @pukkandan

Many thanks for your work on yt-dlp and sponskrub. How can I "install" sponskrub to use it with yt-dlp please.

Under description, it says, "You can build sponskrub by running dub build."

I'm sorry but how and where do I 'run' dub build... Should I run it from within source code 2021.01.24.tar.gz after downloading it from latest releases?

My OS is Ubuntu MATE 20.10

Building is for developers.

To install, simply download the binary provided in the releases and put it either somewhere in your $PATH or in the same folder as yt-dlp
For windows, you also need to have a 32bit libcurl.dll (a copy of which is given in the releases)

Many thanks for your work on yt-dlp and sponskrub

All the credits for sponskrub goes to @faissaloo. There are only a few minor changes in this fork as compared to the original - the main one being that I am providing windows releases while he doesn't want to.

@pukkandan thank you so much for the super quick reply.

I just tried sponskrub on a 3-min video, which took a long time to re-encode.

Then I found this GitHub issue regarding lossless-cut:

Any plan to integrate lossless-cut with your fork of sponskrub?

Edit: Sponsor part was cut indeed.

which took a long time to re-encode.

If your video player supports chapter skipping, I recommend using sponskrub with the -chapter flag. This will simply mark the sponsor sections as seperate chapters instead of cutting them out; and therefore doesn't need a re-encode

Any plan to integrate lossless-cut with your fork of sponskrub?

Sadly, no. It is something I also would like to see implemented, but I don't understand the ffmpeg filters enough to even try.

Also see the note in the readme:

PS: I am not familar enough in DLang to add features or resolve issues (unless the issue is specific to this fork). It is probably better to make the request in faissaloo/sponskrub. I will merge any commits made there into this fork.