
Broken video on 8/1 Face the Nation

mindbomb opened this issue · 3 comments

Off the cbs website, the full 8/1 episode of Face the Nation can be downloaded. However, after approximately 6 mins, the video becomes unplayable. This problem is in the current version of yt-dlp, but not in youtube-dl.

C:\WINDOWS\system32>yt-dlp -v
[debug] User config file: C:\Users\xstre\AppData\Roaming\yt-dlp\config.txt
[debug] User config: ['-o', 'F:\\Chrome Downloads\\%(title)s.%(ext)s', '-S', 'res:1080', '--ffmpeg-location', 'C:\\Program Files\\yt-dlp']
[debug] Command-line config: ['', '-v']
[debug] Encodings: locale cp1252, fs utf-8, out utf-8, pref cp1252
[debug] yt-dlp version 2021.07.24 (exe)
[debug] Python version 3.8.10 (CPython 64bit) - Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0
[debug] exe versions: ffmpeg, ffprobe
[debug] Proxy map: {}
[debug] [cbsnews] Extracting URL:
[cbsnews] 81-fauci-manchin-kashkari-alroy-preis-gottlieb: Downloading webpage
[cbsnews] HOStQR3ItyoBcPBUlclyTCdoT99d_MKl: Downloading XML
[cbsnews] HOStQR3ItyoBcPBUlclyTCdoT99d_MKl: Downloading PDL_MP4 SMIL data
[cbsnews] HOStQR3ItyoBcPBUlclyTCdoT99d_MKl: Checking video URL
[cbsnews] HOStQR3ItyoBcPBUlclyTCdoT99d_MKl: Downloading StreamPack SMIL data
[cbsnews] HOStQR3ItyoBcPBUlclyTCdoT99d_MKl: Downloading m3u8 information
[cbsnews] HOStQR3ItyoBcPBUlclyTCdoT99d_MKl: Downloading Downloadable SMIL data
[cbsnews] HOStQR3ItyoBcPBUlclyTCdoT99d_MKl: Checking video URL
[cbsnews] HOStQR3ItyoBcPBUlclyTCdoT99d_MKl: Downloading HLS_CLEAR SMIL data
[cbsnews] HOStQR3ItyoBcPBUlclyTCdoT99d_MKl: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Sort order given by user: res:1080
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, lang, res:1080(1080.0), quality, fps, vcodec:vp9.2(10), acodec, filesize, fs_approx, tbr, vbr, abr, asr, proto, vext, aext, hasaud, source, id
[cbsnews] HOStQR3ItyoBcPBUlclyTCdoT99d_MKl: Downloading JSON metadata
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] HOStQR3ItyoBcPBUlclyTCdoT99d_MKl: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-3183+hls-96
[debug] Invoking downloader on ""
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 463
[download] Destination: F:\Chrome Downloads\8_1 - Fauci, Manchin, Kashkari, Alroy-Preis, Gottlieb.fhls-3183.mp4
[download] 100% of 1006.63MiB in 02:03
[debug] Invoking downloader on ",2228,4628,3128,1628,848,503,000.mp4.csmil/index_5_a.m3u8?null=0&id=AgBg73mPFys7z8R%2fCGGEmUFJzXGaRltnn2weWC55ew8j6RgwzpAsmg0r%2fjP1VYllATqe4uSnku6DDw%3d%3d&hdntl=exp=1628033348~acl=%2fi%2ftemp_hd_gallery_video%2fCBS_Production_Outlet_VMS%2fvideo_robot%2fCBS_Production_Entertainment%2f2021%2f07%2f20%2f1923899459703%2fftn_080121_ms_PRORES_2CH_2997P_764369_*~data=hdntl~hmac=578430917ab77b925346f0c1f0c0bb9225cab1868dd7328b3d9b00730fbc757f"
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 277
[download] Destination: F:\Chrome Downloads\8_1 - Fauci, Manchin, Kashkari, Alroy-Preis, Gottlieb.fhls-96.mp4
[download] 100% of 39.18MiB in 00:22
[Merger] Merging formats into "F:\Chrome Downloads\8_1 - Fauci, Manchin, Kashkari, Alroy-Preis, Gottlieb.mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: "C:\Program Files\yt-dlp\ffmpeg" -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:F:\Chrome Downloads\8_1 - Fauci, Manchin, Kashkari, Alroy-Preis, Gottlieb.fhls-3183.mp4" -i "file:F:\Chrome Downloads\8_1 - Fauci, Manchin, Kashkari, Alroy-Preis, Gottlieb.fhls-96.mp4" -c copy -map "0:v:0" -map "1:a:0" "file:F:\Chrome Downloads\8_1 - Fauci, Manchin, Kashkari, Alroy-Preis, Gottlieb.temp.mp4"
Deleting original file F:\Chrome Downloads\8_1 - Fauci, Manchin, Kashkari, Alroy-Preis, Gottlieb.fhls-96.mp4 (pass -k to keep)
Deleting original file F:\Chrome Downloads\8_1 - Fauci, Manchin, Kashkari, Alroy-Preis, Gottlieb.fhls-3183.mp4 (pass -k to keep)
[debug] ffmpeg command line: "C:\Program Files\yt-dlp\ffprobe" -show_streams "file:F:\Chrome Downloads\8_1 - Fauci, Manchin, Kashkari, Alroy-Preis, Gottlieb.mp4"
[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "F:\Chrome Downloads\8_1 - Fauci, Manchin, Kashkari, Alroy-Preis, Gottlieb.mp4"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: "C:\Program Files\yt-dlp\ffmpeg" -y -loglevel "repeat+info" -i "file:F:\Chrome Downloads\8_1 - Fauci, Manchin, Kashkari, Alroy-Preis, Gottlieb.mp4" -c copy -map 0 -dn -f mp4 "-bsf:a" aac_adtstoasc "file:F:\Chrome Downloads\8_1 - Fauci, Manchin, Kashkari, Alroy-Preis, Gottlieb.temp.mp4"

try updating again, the latest version is 2021.08.02 -

[FixupM3u8] Fixing malformed AAC bitstream of "F:\Chrome Downloads\8_1 - Fauci, Manchin, Kashkari, Alroy-Preis, Gottlieb.mp4"

Seems ffmpeg completely breaks the audio stream when doing this. Using ffmpeg 3.0.1 gives me the undamaged file. You can either downgrade your ffmpeg to this version, or download the video using ffmpeg itself (--downloader m3u8:ffmpeg) so that fixup is not needed

Also, next time DONOT skip the issue template

#998 is a duplicate of this. But more discussion about this issue has happened there. So closing this instead as duplicate