

matthewturk opened this issue · 3 comments

Currently stubbed out in content/ (I guess?)

I'm thinking that what we actually should do is have a full file of just basic frontend information. Perhaps number it 33, so it comes after the bitmaps and simulation types, and each frontend should have a subsection where we describe:

  1. Name of the frontend -- one entry for each directory, and within that, specify different frontends as sub-items
  2. Roughly, what type of data it contains (i.e., the indexing scheme)
  3. Any historical information about the addition to the code -- if it had any major attendant features for instance
  4. Special considerations about it, or specific things it does differently
  5. (maybe?) Some papers using this frontend to do analysis in yt

My current plan is to build out a template in using jinja2, and then add the --template-variables-path argument to to read in a yaml file, which will then be supplied to the jinja2 template engine during the build. In that file I'll put the frontend information.

This is being addressed in #94