
Identify a paper venue

matthewturk opened this issue · 4 comments

A venue for this paper should be identified. This poses a handful of challenges, but none of them are insurmountable.

  1. The venue should allow for long author lists.
  2. The venue should be supportive of software-ish papers. (This isn't exactly a software paper, but it is closer to that than anything else.)
  3. Stretch goal: allow our interactive figures. I genuinely think this is unlikely, and that we will probably end up relying on the web deployment of the paper for these figures. (They all have fallbacks.)
  4. Something thaqt is not necessarily explicitly tied to astrophysics.

After talking it over with some folks, one idea that presented itself was to split the paper up into smaller chunks. I'm not yet sure my thoughts on this, but it's certainly feasible to do so.

One surprising item that came up was that some print journals have a hard time with colored text (like in our syntax highlighting) but I think that should not be a primary concern for venue selection.

I am investigating further, but I believe Living Reviews in Computational Astrophysics may be a good venue.

How about the Open Journal of Astrophysics?

@JBorrow Interesting idea -- I'll look into that.