

nancy618618618 opened this issue · 5 comments

您好,我在自己的数据集上使用您的方法,比如:10万的标注数据,先Label Training, 再从未标注池子里随机选10万的数据,进行训练学习未标注数据的分布,训练之后的结果在原验证集上指标降低了1个点,请问是什么原因呢,谢谢!

您好,可能是因为初始训练的结果不够稳定,影响了未标注数据分布的学习。可以考虑减小超参数 λ,或增大已标注集训练与最大化/最小化示例不确定性步骤的 epoch 数之比 epoch_ratio

Hello, it may be because the results of the initial training are not stable enough, which affects the learning of the unlabeled data distribution. You may reduce the hyperparameter λ, or increase the ratio of the number of epochs for Label Set Training step and those for Re-weighting and Minimizing/Maximizing Instance Uncertainty, epoch_ratio.



It may be the reason. So you can adjust the impact of the unlabeled data on the model, or wait for the model to stabilize before adding a large amount of unlabeled data to participate in training.


你可以通过修改 这里 第 36-37 行的 X_L_repeatX_U_repeat 来改变已标注集合与未标注集合的重复次数。
请注意,这里要保证两个集合的 重复次数*图像数量 严格保持相等。例如,已标注集中图像数量为 1000,未标注集中图像数量为 500,相应的重复次数可以设置为 1 和 2,或等比例地提高至 2 和 4。
在严格保证相等的前提下,对于 1:3 这种不可转换为有限小数的比例要尤为注意。例如,1000 和 333 这样的图像数量对应的重复次数最小只能是 333 和 1000。只有你将其修改为 999 和 333,才可以将重复次数最小设置为 1 和 3。

Experiments in this area have not yet been done.
You can change the number of repetitions of the labeled and unlabeled sets by modifying X_L_repeat and X_U_repeat on Lines 36-37 here.
Note that the number of repetitions * number of images of the two sets should be strictly equal. For example, if the number of images in the labeled set is 1000 and that in the unlabeled set is 500, the corresponding number of repetitions can be set to 1 and 2, or increased to 2 and 4 in equal proportions.
On the premise of strict equality, special attention should be paid to the ratio of 1:3, which is not convertible to finite decimals. For example, the number of images such as 1000 and 333 will have a minimum number of repetitions of 333 and 1000. Only if you modify it to 999 and 333, you can set the minimum number of repetitions to 1 and 3.