
How to make long modals scroll?

THPubs opened this issue ยท 4 comments

I included a signup form in the modal and in small (HD) screens and below it goes beyond the screen and I can't scroll it. How to fix it?

@yuanyan I second this.

hnq90 commented

Write another Modal component for yourself or use another library โœŒ๏ธ

@THPubs Like any other container you can apply overflowy:auto, and it allows a scrollbar. You'll need a height set for it to work.
height: '90vh',
overflowY: 'auto',

@THPubs I fixed this issue for Drop, Wave and Outline modals in my fork: https://github.com/josuemontano/boron. Hope to make a PR soon.

Using that branch, you gotta set a max height for your modal:

<Modal modalStyle={maxHeight: '90vh'}/>