
React.createClass is deprecated and will be removed in version 16.

RodCardenas opened this issue ยท 6 comments

Warning shows up on console.

Propose to update modalFactory.

var React = require('react');
var transitionEvents = require('domkit/transitionEvents');
var appendVendorPrefix = require('domkit/appendVendorPrefix');
var PropTypes = require('prop-types');

module.exports = function(animation){

 class Factory extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            willHidden: false,
            hidden: true

        this.hasHidden = this.hasHidden.bind(this);
        this.handleBackdropClick = this.handleBackdropClick.bind(this);
        this.leave = this.leave.bind(this);
        this.enter = this.enter.bind(this);
        this.show = this.show.bind(this);
        this.hide = this.hide.bind(this);
        this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this);
        this.listenKeyboard = this.listenKeyboard.bind(this);

    hasHidden() {
        return this.state.hidden;

    addTransitionListener(node, handle){
        if (node) {
          var endListener = function(e) {
              if (e && e.target !== node) {
              transitionEvents.removeEndEventListener(node, endListener);
          transitionEvents.addEndEventListener(node, endListener);

    handleBackdropClick() {
        if (this.props.closeOnClick) {

    render() {

        var hidden = this.hasHidden();
        if (hidden) return null;

        var willHidden = this.state.willHidden;
        var animation = this.props.animation;
        var modalStyle = animation.getModalStyle(willHidden);
        var backdropStyle = animation.getBackdropStyle(willHidden);
        var contentStyle = animation.getContentStyle(willHidden);
        var ref = animation.getRef(willHidden);
        var sharp = animation.getSharp && animation.getSharp(willHidden);

        // Apply custom style properties
        if (this.props.modalStyle) {
            var prefixedModalStyle = appendVendorPrefix(this.props.modalStyle);
            for (var style in prefixedModalStyle) {
                modalStyle[style] = prefixedModalStyle[style];

        if (this.props.backdropStyle) {
          var prefixedBackdropStyle = appendVendorPrefix(this.props.backdropStyle);
            for (var style in prefixedBackdropStyle) {
                backdropStyle[style] = prefixedBackdropStyle[style];

        if (this.props.contentStyle) {
          var prefixedContentStyle = appendVendorPrefix(this.props.contentStyle);
            for (var style in prefixedContentStyle) {
                contentStyle[style] = prefixedContentStyle[style];

        var backdrop = this.props.backdrop? React.createElement("div", {style: backdropStyle, onClick: this.props.closeOnClick? this.handleBackdropClick: null}): undefined;

        if(willHidden) {
            var node = this.refs[ref];
            this.addTransitionListener(node, this.leave);

        return (React.createElement("span", null,
            React.createElement("div", {ref: "modal", style: modalStyle, className: this.props.className},
                React.createElement("div", {ref: "content", tabIndex: "-1", style: contentStyle},

    leave() {
            hidden: true

    enter() {

    show() {
        if (!this.hasHidden()) return;

            willHidden: false,
            hidden: false

          var ref = this.props.animation.getRef();
          var node = this.refs[ref];
          this.addTransitionListener(node, this.enter);
        }.bind(this), 0);

    hide() {
        if (this.hasHidden()) return;

            willHidden: true

    toggle() {
        if (this.hasHidden())

    listenKeyboard(event) {
        if (this.props.keyboard &&
                (event.key === "Escape" ||
                 event.keyCode === 27)) {

    componentDidMount() {
        window.addEventListener("keydown", this.listenKeyboard, true);

    componentWillUnmount()  {
        window.removeEventListener("keydown", this.listenKeyboard, true);

Factory.propTypes = {
    className: PropTypes.string,
    // Close the modal when esc is pressed? Defaults to true.
    keyboard: PropTypes.bool,
    onShow: PropTypes.func,
    onHide: PropTypes.func,
    animation: PropTypes.object,
    backdrop: PropTypes.bool,
    closeOnClick: PropTypes.bool,
    modalStyle: PropTypes.object,
    backdropStyle: PropTypes.object,
    contentStyle: PropTypes.object

Factory.defaultProps = {
    className: "",
    onShow: function(){},
    onHide: function(){},
    animation: animation,
    keyboard: true,
    backdrop: true,
    closeOnClick: true,
    modalStyle: {},
    backdropStyle: {},
    contentStyle: {}

return Factory;

Sadly it kinda looks like PRs are not being accepted on this project. I would love to take it over ๐Ÿ‘

Why not fork it and integrate all these pull requests and issues? That would be amazing.

Works for me! https://github.com/jerairrest/boron <- is my current fork. The deprecation warnings have been fixed as well as updated to es6. Feel free to contribute :) Also, thank @RodCardenas for this code.

@jerairrest Thank you very much for your fork! boron did not work for me after updating to version 16.x of ReactJs. This should be the main project, or boron should start to update.

I've created pull request #49 to add React 16 support to this project.
It seems like maintainer is active on github, I can see commits from him recently on his profile page, so I hope that he will merge changes.