
Running tool outside the Docker-container throws some errors

pluim003 opened this issue · 7 comments

I was running it from within the docker-container and from outside the container. From outside it throws some errors:

  Would you like to ...

  1)  Keep your current adlist configuration
  2)  Enable only adlists with covered unique domains
  3)  Enable the minimal number of adlists that cover all domains that would have been blocked

  Please select: 2

  [i]  Enabling adlists with covered unique domains....
Error: in prepare, unrecognized token: "'"
  ^--- error here
Error: in prepare, unrecognized token: "'"
  ^--- error here
Error: in prepare, unrecognized token: "'"
  ^--- error here
Error: in prepare, unrecognized token: "'"
  ^--- error here
Error: in prepare, unrecognized token: "'"
  ^--- error here
Error: in prepare, unrecognized token: "'"
  ^--- error here
Error: in prepare, unrecognized token: "'"
  ^--- error here
Error: in prepare, unrecognized token: "'"
  ^--- error here
Error: in prepare, unrecognized token: "'"
  ^--- error here
Error: in prepare, unrecognized token: "'"
  ^--- error here
Error: in prepare, unrecognized token: "'"
  ^--- error here
Error: in prepare, unrecognized token: "'"
  ^--- error here

  [✓]  Adlists with covered unique domains enabled

  [i]  Of the 713 domains that would have been blocked by the adlist configuration you chose to analyze,
       711 domains are covered by your current adlist configuration.

  [i]  Removing temporary database...
  [✓]  Temporary database removed

I like the tool. I have about 40 adlists and after the check only 12 need to be enabled.

Does it also fail on other places? E.g. when you select another option?

With options 1 and 3 it continues without error. And after that another try with option 2 with the same errors.

That's interesting, because option 3 and 2 use the same syntax for their commands.

Could you generate a Pi-hole debug log and post the token here?

Sorry for not getting back to you, your're not forgotten. Life is quite busy at the moment, I'll come back when I really have time to look into this.

No hurry. There are more important things in life then this issue. It's not a big deal for me. Haven't used it since then. I like the idea. Might add it to my pihole-unbound-image (which is a fork, but I try to keep it more up-to-date then the original one).

Fixed by #83