
Is it functional and was it ever published ?

saimeunt opened this issue · 4 comments


Not really an issue, but I wasn't able to find out if you ever managed to get this working and publish it to the new package system ?
I have to get instagram oauth login setup for a project of mine so I'll eventually dig into the code, just wanted to know the status of your fork of the original contributor.



It works pre 0.9.0 I haven't update to the latest package system yet. I will do that when I find time soon

Thanks, knowing that is functional is of great help, migrating to 0.9 package system shouldn't be a big deal, I'll look what I can do on my behalf.

Thanks for checking up on it. I just didn't find time to really sit down to understand 0.9 packaging and I don't want to do too much before I understand it.

It is already published to atmosphere... forgot to mention..