
scope in auth flow

Garbolino opened this issue · 7 comments

Is there any reason why you didn't include the scope in the auth request?

Sorry, it wasn't a problem with the code. To scope comments we need to request Instagram before.
Nice work and thanks again!

there is scope option. I will do a better job at doc on the next release.

Thanks mate.
I saw the scope option, but no matter what scope I set up, the request url includes always all of them
"...response_type=code&scope=basic+likes+relationships+comments&redirect_uri= ...'

@Garbolino Let me check it very quick and get back to you.

I defined the scope at instagram_client.js lin 17

So if you define the option that passed in has requestPermissions, it should works. Let me know how that goes. If that didn't works, I will makr this as bug and work on it.

Sorry about it.

I have an App instagram and when I generate token with scope=comments+likes, I don't get the equivalent of scope=comments but only basic and likes why please?
I have to request instagram before where please?I don't know if it is a new update because before that works well there is no matter like that
If someone have an idea,it's helpfull thank you so much


It is the same pattern as Meteor.loginWithFacebook or Meteor.loginWithGithub , check docs.meteor.com for reference