
socialauth is not work properly, problem with google, yahoo

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I am using current version of social auth/java

I try to use one of demo/examples, for example social auth CDI  or Spring demo.

I registered application on google and changed properties.

I have following

Client ID for web application Client ID 
Email address   1067725056334@developer.gserviceaccount.com
Client secret   uogxItelv_WlBoGob1lcZHy-
Redirect URIs   
Javascript Origins http://opensource.brickred.com

My tomcat run in the port 80 and my localhost equals 

opensource.brickred.com(in general for me not important domain/hosting)

CDI example I change to JSF implementation, so I free run it under Tomcat 7.

Problem is what work only facebook (with any credentials what I have)
But for example google/yahoo is not working I am getting

ocialAuthException: Please call verifyResponse function first to get Access 

I am attaching new maven project what I extend, it is in generall all the same, 
but not CDI, pure JSF2, I am planning extend socialauth to pure 
JSF2.2+primefaces also.
I am sending also google credentials. I do not know is google. yahoo or another 
providers change it is access or not..

Please have a look on it.

Kind Regards,


What steps will reproduce the problem?

Original issue reported on code.google.com by armen.ar...@gmail.com on 19 Jan 2014 at 3:09


Use the following keys for google plus if you are using opensource.brickred.com

And providerId should be "googleplus" instead of google.

And for yahoo pleas also use the keys provided in the sample for the same 

Original comment by tarun.na...@3pillarglobal.com on 24 Jan 2014 at 12:09

Original comment by tarun.na...@3pillarglobal.com on 29 Jan 2014 at 1:19

  • Changed state: Done
Almost same problem for me, gmail displaying 400 error and they are telling 
migrated to oauth2.0 and something... what can i do for get contact to my site 
from gmail by using socialauth ..i provided my key and secret 

Original comment by CS.SVI...@gmail.com on 22 Jul 2014 at 5:44