
The browser terminal cannot display emoji

love-miao opened this issue · 3 comments

When file a bug report (see below for feature requests)

Please answer these quesions for a bug report. Thanks!

What version of GoTTY are you using (gotty --version)?

gotty version 1.0.1

What operating system and browser are you using?

CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)

What did you do?

This problem I encountered when using the k8s management tool k9s

What did you expect to see?

How to make the browser display emoji normally

What did you see instead?

If possible, please provide the output of the command and your browser's console output.

When file a new feature proposal

Please provide an actual usecase that requires your new feature.

it's not a gotty problem, you have to install the necessary fonts in your browser

YLzone commented

it's not a gotty problem, you have to install the necessary fonts in your browser image

I also encountered this problem. May I ask what fonts need to be installed?

May I ask what fonts need to be installed?