
Error "Failed to authenticate websocket connection" from Jmeter tool

JJena opened this issue · 0 comments

JJena commented

When file a bug report (see below for feature requests)

Please answer these quesions for a bug report. Thanks!

What version of GoTTY are you using (gotty --version)?


What operating system and browser are you using?

Linux amd64

What did you do?

I manually added a HTTP Sampler in Jmeter and made a GET request to localhost:8080. It didn't make the websock request by itself and didn't create any client connections. So I added the websocket sampler after the HTTP sampler. It created a connection but error displayed "Failed to authenticate websocket connection"

If possible, please provide the command you ran.
./gotty top

What did you expect to see?

Should have displayed the response for top command

What did you see instead?

"Failed to authenticate websocket connection"

If possible, please provide the output of the command and your browser's console output.

2023/08/16 22:15:40 304 GET /
2023/08/16 22:15:40 304 GET /js/gotty.js
2023/08/16 22:15:40 200 GET /auth_token.js
2023/08/16 22:15:40 304 GET /js/hterm.js
2023/08/16 22:28:38 New client connected:
2023/08/16 22:28:59 Failed to authenticate websocket connection

When file a new feature proposal

Please provide an actual usecase that requires your new feature.
We have our load test image which can run lots of tests depending on the argument. So I started gotty with --permit-arguments. Manually from the browser all worked fine but want to simulate this from Jenkins.