
Please update your readme

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Update: I see now, now that I installed it on macOS. You attempted to package all dependencies for Linux but failed to and hence the error I got. I am not sure but I wonder if packaging it as an AppImage or Flatpak would help or not.

I get that your project here hasn't got much attention, but I would surmise that 90% of that, whether it be this or your framework Yue is due to really poor documentation. Just hear me out though - while documentation technically exists and in great abundance... It is literally anyone's guess on how to actually install any of this. Even as someone who is somewhat familiar with running nodejs apps I was struggling with figuring out what in the world you had going on.

I was clicking on and following all sorts of links but practically NONE of it was relevant information on just how to actually get the thing installed and going. Maybe I am dumb, maybe I missed something really, really, really simple, but when your users have to literally resort to using Google to find the basic piece of info they need then I think your readme has utterly failed.

I had to use google to find this page! A proper getting started link that mentions what version of nodejs I need to be on for this.

I am positive that this is still not the ideal way to install Crossclip, but in lieu of adequate install instructions I am finding this to literally be the only way to successfully install crossclip. I haven't even tested it just yet.. as I feel like I have already accomplished one feat today and I haven't even got into what I was originally trying to solve..

For Yue & crossclip

# If using nvm then use node 12
nvm install 12

cd ~/Documents/
mkdir ./install_crossclip
cd ./install_crossclip
npm init -y
npm i crossclip
mkdir ./res
mv  ./node_modules ./res/

# install crossclip binary from release page
chmod +x ./crossclip

Now that I have got to test it I can say plainly that it does not work btwn macOS or Linux. I do not mind debugging it with some guidance but will likely look for another or write my own solution.