
querymonitor.pl - Table ID format in tables and tablecol

Closed this issue · 1 comments

  • Request to adjust table format to be consistent on tables and tablecol.


sqlite>  Select tables.name as tbl, isPartitionKey,  isClusteringKey , columnOrder , sortOrder ,tablecol.name as col   FROM tables left join tablecol on id=replace(tableid,'-','') WHERE tbl like 'custacctrole%';
tbl           isPartitionKey  isClusteringKey  columnOrder  sortOrder  col
------------  --------------  ---------------  -----------  ---------  --------------------
custacctrole  1                                             NONE       custid
custacctrole                  1                1            ASC        acctid
custacctrole                  1                2            ASC        roletitle
custacctrole                                   3            NONE       preferredcontact
custacctrole                                   4            NONE       sequencenumber
custacctrole                                   5            NONE       reportingtaxpayer
custacctrole                                   6            NONE       roledetails
custacctrole                                   7            NONE       lastupdatedtimestamp

Fixed 2024-06-12 by commit f9e8b9c (Pending pull request)